Assertive. Experienced. Effective.

Year: 2018

Texas man dies after car accident with a street racer

The popularity of street racing has skyrocketed over recent years, and some television shows even glorify it and make it appear fun and lucrative. What is not stressed enough is just how dangerous a hobby like this can be. Far too many drivers have been killed in...

What can you do if the parent won’t come for visitation time?

When you have a child with another person, you believe that they'll be the parent you believe they can be. You expect them to see your child regularly. Even if you divorce, you (usually) want them to remain in your child's life. Unfortunately, not all people react to...

Modifications can help parents pay support on time

Withholding child support isn't always something people do out of spite. In fact, it's very likely that the person can't afford it or has had an emergency come up. If you are someone who struggles to pay support or who has not been receiving the support you're owed,...

How many lives are lost due to truck driver fatigue?

A lot of research is done on the causes and impact of fatigue on driver safety. However, it's difficult to say how many fatal Texas truck accidents are due to truck driver fatigue. Truckers spend many hours on the road, and even if they get enough sleep, the monotony...

Divorce may encounter issues of division of business assets

A woman may be involved in a business enterprise with her spouse when the need for a divorce arises. In Texas and elsewhere this will raise issues of property division and will impact all of the financial issues that are presented during the divorce litigation. The...

Risking the revocation of probation? These tips could help

If a motion to revoke probation is filed against you, then you need to understand your options. You want to present yourself in a positive light, but it's possible that you made a mistake that has threatened your freedoms. Once a violation has been been discovered, it...

