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Co-parenting after divorce can be challenging

On Behalf of | Apr 30, 2021 | Child Custody & Support |

If a pair of Texas parents decide to divorce, they must address many important family law issues, including child custody. While the goal might be to achieve a fair settlement in a swift manner, things do not always go as planned, especially if one of the parents happens to be a narcissist. Successful co-parenting takes cooperation, compromise and a willingness to make children’s best interests a central focus of all proceedings, which a narcissist might not do.

Protecting children is a top divorce priority

Divorce may disrupt the lives of the children affected, but it certainly does not have to ruin them. If a co-parent is a narcissist, however, the kids might be at risk for emotional abuse. A concerned parent can bring such matters to the court’s attention, especially if there is evidence that a co-parent’s involvement would be a detriment to a child’s well-being.

Narcissists are self-absorbed, so they typically lack empathy and compassion for others, even their own children. In a divorce, this might make it difficult to develop a fair child custody plan, especially if the narcissistic parent disregards a court order or tries to deny the other parent access to the kids. A parent can help children cope by encouraging them to share their feelings and to implement strategies such as writing in a journal, taking up a hobby or talking to someone they trust about how they feel.

Differentiate between personality clashes and legal problems

Just because a co-parent is selfish or not affectionate with his or her children does not necessarily mean that he or she is a narcissist or is violating child custody or child support laws. Co-parents do not have to have identical parenting styles, but they do have to adhere to the terms of any applicable court order. If a parent is facing legal problems due to a co-parent’s refusal to obey a court order or attempts to alienate children from their other parent, the court’s intervention may be sought to help resolve the issue.

