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July 4 mud race crash ended tragically

On Behalf of | Jul 5, 2021 | Car Accidents |

A crowd gathered at a Texas mud racing track in the early evening of the July 4th weekend celebrations. Tragedy struck, however, when one of the cars crashed through a guardrail and into the group of onlookers. Investigators are still trying to determine what caused the driver to careen into the group of spectators.  

Multiple collisions occurred as the car left the mud track 

It was approximately 6:30 p.m. when the accident occurred at the mud racing track near El Paso. Sheriff’s deputies stated that the wayward vehicle crashed into three other cars as it breached the guardrail and slammed into a crowd of people. Rescue workers transported at least eight people from the chaotic scene to the hospital for emergency care.  

An update revealed tragic news 

As investigators set to work trying to find clues as to what may have caused the collision, an update on the victims’ conditions was provided. Reportedly, one of the audience members who was struck, a 21-year-old man, succumbed to his injuries. Two other people were listed in critical condition while five others suffered injuries not considered life-threatening.  

The aftermath of a motor vehicle collision can be stressful 

The weeks following a motor vehicle crash are often challenging for those directly involved, as well as their families. In cases like this one where a fatality occurs, grief is intensified. Recovering victims and families mourning the loss of a loved one may also encounter financial distress because of medical bills, funeral expenses and other issues that may be associated with a particular accident. Many cases lead to litigation, which is why it is a good idea to meet with an experienced personal injury law attorney when building a support network during recovery.  

