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Are you affected by parental alienation?

On Behalf of | Mar 3, 2022 | Child Custody & Support |

The relationship between a parent and child is critical for the emotional health and well-being of each one, especially the child. A divorce can bring significant changes in the amount of time a Texas parent has with his or her kid, and it may be difficult to peacefully co-parent with the other. When there are lingering difficult feelings between the two parents, one may attempt to negatively affect the relationship the other has with his or her kids as an act of revenge or frustration. 

If this is happening to you, it is called parental alienation. It is harmful and inappropriate, and it can have long-term or permanent effects on the relationship you have with your kids. You do not have to simply sit there and let it happen, but instead, you can take action to protect your parental rights and shield your kids from additional emotional harm. You will benefit from knowing how to fight back and rebuild. 

How can you know if it’s happening to you? 

There are certain signs you may notice that could indicate that parental alienation is happening. If you notice any of the following, you will want to take immediate action to stop the actions of the other parent: 

  • Your child has become dissatisfied with spending time with you, critiquing your decisions and comparing your home with his or her other home. 
  • Your child offers unwavering support of the other parent while criticizing or demeaning you. 
  • Your child does not show signs of remorse after insulting you, hurting your feelings or being disrespectful to you. 

The right way to address parental alienation depends on the extent of the damage done and other factors unique to your situation. Possible remedies may include seeking a new custody arrangement, mandatory attendance at counseling, make-up parenting time and more. A family court can review the situation and determine the most appropriate and effective way to repair your relationship with your kids. 

Think long-term 

If you see changes in the way your child behaves toward you or you notice other negative changes in your relationship, it could be a result of parental alienation. You will find it beneficial to take immediate action to learn about the possible legal options available to you, including seeking the court’s intervention or pursuit of another parenting arrangement. You will want to do everything possible to shield the long-term interests of your child. 

