There is a strong correlation between substance abuse issues and criminal activity. Quite a few people accused of crimes have some kind of substance abuse disorder. They may self-medicate to deal with personal trauma, such as a history of child abuse. Others may have begun using a specific substance due to medical issues or a major life setback, like divorce or job loss.
The more people become dependent on a substance, the greater the harm their addiction can cause their lives. Their substance abuse can then drive them to make poor choices, such as burglarizing a business to be able to afford their substance of choice. They may even end up involved in the drug trade. For some people struggling with substance abuse disorders, an arrest can be a powerful wake-up call. They finally recognize that they need to address their drug or alcohol issues to improve their lives.
Is it ever possible for people facing charges in Texas to attend rehab instead of going to prison?
Drug court proceedings are sometimes an option
Texas has several different alternative courts that seek to solve problems for individuals and society as a whole. Bexar County is one of many counties in Texas that offer pre-trial diversion programs for certain offenders. There is a felony drug court where those accused of crimes related to substance abuse can undergo treatment and court supervision instead of a trial.
Drug court is different from a traditional criminal court. The focus is on monitoring and rehabilitation, rather than convicting someone of an offense. The overall process usually takes around two years to complete.
Defendants have to attend regular meetings, undergo drug testing and complete treatment requirements. Inpatient rehabilitation may be a part of that process. If a defendant successfully completes drug court proceedings, they don’t have to move forward with a criminal trial.
They can avoid a criminal record and the traditional penalties imposed after a conviction. Discussing the connection between a criminal offense and a substance abuse issue can help a defendant explore whether drug court might be an option for them.
Drug court proceedings are one of many options that may be available for those who want to avoid a drug charge conviction in Texas. Pretrial diversion through the drug courts can help people avoid major penalties and may help them regain control over their lives.