Many people on probation (or “community supervision”) in Texas find it difficult at times to adhere to the strict, intrusive regulations on their behavior. However, if you fail to rise to those challenges even once, you may find yourself facing the wrath of the court — and possibly have serve your entire original sentence.
Probation violations happen for many reasons. You may get in to trouble with your probation officer for things like:
- Not showing up on time to a probation meeting or court hearing
- Not attending (or leaving) court-ordered counseling
- Getting caught using or selling drugs, even marijuana
- Being in the company of people with felony records
- Visiting the wrong homes or businesses
- Traveling out of the area or out of state without permission
- Failing to pay your court fines or restitution
- Failing to continue your education or employment
Keep this in mind: If you’re accused of violating your probation, you’re in jeopardy of going to jail. Anything you say to your probation officer can be considered evidence against you. It’s wise to invoke your right to remain silent so that your probation officer can’t use anything you say in court.
The only good news if you’ve been accused of a violation by your probation officer is that you have a chance to tell your side to a judge. You can defend yourself against the new allegations. You can also explain why mitigating circumstances should be taken into consideration before the judge decides what happens next. An experienced attorney can help you present your case, defend your rights and try to resolve the violation without prison time.