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Firm News

How will you defend yourself against drug charges?

If you recently received drug charges, you must begin building a defense to protect yourself as soon as you can. Drug charges are never something to take lightly, and even "minor" charges can result in serious jail time. Your future security and opportunities rely on...

Split-custody arrangements can have benefits

Split custody is a type of custody where siblings go into the primary custody of different parents. For example, if a couple has three children, two may go to live with their father while the third stays with the mother. It pretty much goes without saying that judges...

What happens if you violate a probationary period?

If you find out that there could be a motion to revoke probation because you violated probation in some way, it could be a serious threat to your well-being. You already began looking into finding work, have been doing your best to stay out of trouble and haven't done...

A parenting agreement can help prevent future problems

As you move through the divorce process, there's a good chance that you want nothing more than to finish things off as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, when you take this approach, it's possible that you could overlook something of importance. A well thought out...

What can you do if the parent won’t come for visitation time?

When you have a child with another person, you believe that they'll be the parent you believe they can be. You expect them to see your child regularly. Even if you divorce, you (usually) want them to remain in your child's life. Unfortunately, not all people react to...

Modifications can help parents pay support on time

Withholding child support isn't always something people do out of spite. In fact, it's very likely that the person can't afford it or has had an emergency come up. If you are someone who struggles to pay support or who has not been receiving the support you're owed,...

Risking the revocation of probation? These tips could help

If a motion to revoke probation is filed against you, then you need to understand your options. You want to present yourself in a positive light, but it's possible that you made a mistake that has threatened your freedoms. Once a violation has been been discovered, it...

