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Firm News

3 tips for those missing friends and family during divorce

A divorce has the potential to break up extended families for good, even when they were very close prior to the split. You might be friendly with your spouse's family and friends, but a divorce can put an end to those amicable relationships. The reason for that is...

Parenting well: When you get along, everything’s better

As parents who have gone through divorce and realize that you need to raise your child in a healthy manner, it's vital that you're able to work together. You have a parenting plan and good custody agreement, but your concern is that you both still have trouble...

Tips for dealing with a parent who won’t cooperate

Parenting children after a divorce requires that you and your ex work together. The frequency and extent of this is determined by your child's needs and the current situation. While some people can remain a parenting team after their marriage ends, others find this...

Modifying child custody: Aging children

When you originally set up a custody schedule, your child was young. She only needed to go to elementary school, and she didn't have many extracurricular activities to worry about. Now, as she approaches her mid-teen years, you're finding that she has much more to do....

Support for spouses when you’re low income

When you are in a marriage, there are often two people bringing home an income, especially when you're a low-income family. Both support the home, because without the other, it would be difficult to survive. In the case of a divorce, this can throw both people into a...

Drugs in your vehicle? You could end up accused of trafficking

It's a scenario that has played out time and time again: Someone takes a friend home or picks up acquaintances and believes they're being nice taking them to their destinations. The next thing they know, they're being stopped by the police, and a passenger's glazed...

How can child support be enforced in Texas?

If you are the primary custodian of your child, it is likely that you will depend highly on child support to provide for the needs of your family. When child support is not paid, you can face a stressful financial situation through no fault of your own. It is...

Understanding arrests and bails in Texas

If someone you love has been placed in jail, you will want to do everything in your power to secure their release quickly. The way that their release will be processed will depend on the seriousness of the crime that they are suspected of committing. It is important...

